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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wiring a Bonsai Tree

Wiring a bonsai tree is a technique used to give it a specific shape and style. You can bend and change the position of the branches by wrapping bonsai wire around them. You can position the branches to fill in spaces or wire in a downward or horizontal position to give a more mature look. It will take several weeks or a few months for the branches to stay in that position. The type of wire is important because the type of metal in the wire can be poisonous to the tree so you would need to find out what type of wire to use with the specific species of tree you have. The two basic types of wire used are copper and aluminum. Aluminum wire is easier to use for the beginner. Check with a bonsai store or an online bonsai store. Bonsai Tools & Wire

There are different thicknesses of wire available for bonsai trees. It takes 3 to 4 different thicknesses of wire to start with. Reels of wire are available in 1mm, 1 1/2mm, 2 1/2, 4mm, and goes up to 8mm. When you wire the branch or trunk the wire needs to be 1/3rd the thickness. Bonsai Tools & Wire

Most bonsai trees can be wired any time of the year. You don't want the wire to cut into the branch while it is growing so you need to check it often especially during growing season.

To start wiring you can cut the right length of wire which should be a little longer than what you need or you can wire straight from the reel. Start wrapping the wire around the base of the trunk working your way up at a 45 degree angle to a branch and wrap at the same degree angle along the branch. Wrap the trunk and primary branches first and then the secondary branches. Once you are finished wiring you can slowly and carefully bend the branches. Be careful not to break and do not change the position once you have it in place. 

When you are finished, fertilize Fertilizers and place in a proper place such as the shade. Keep an eye on the tree and remove the wire when it is time. You will need to use wire cutters Bonsai Tools & Wire

It's not good to unwind the wire. It is easier to remove by cutting the wire at every turn.

Click here for books on bonsai.

Bonsai Boy of New York

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