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Monday, May 17, 2010

Bonsai Soils to Keep Your Bonsai Happy

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In this blog I would like to discuss bonsai soils or potting mix.Bonsai SoilsAlthough almost any type of soil can be used to grow bonsai you will find that it is best to use a good quality soil or potting mix designed especially for bonsai.  You will want to maintain good health and vitality of the tree. Soil for bonsai can be a mixture of two or more ingredients or just one ingredient. For mixing and potting processes it is important that the soil is dry. When repotting, if the soil is wet it is difficult to work into and around the root system. You want the roots to be in good contact with the soil at all times because the function of the soil is to hold enough nutrients, water and air for the roots to absorb. You don't want the soil to store too much water as that will cause root rot. As you can see this is a very delicate operation but not difficult. Its just a matter of gaining the knowledge to repot a bonsai correctly. When the texture of the soil is free-draining, excess water can then freely drain away and that is what you want. Soil that drains freely is one of the most important components in the success of growing a bonsai. The root system needs to breathe so the soil mixture must be open with as many air spaces as possible around the granules of soil. The soil also must partly secure the tree in the pot which means it must be firm enough to accomplish this. The soil itself is not enough to secure the bonsai completely so a standard procedure used to stop the tree from moving around is to tie it into the pot with wire, using the holes in the base of the pot. This also helps in the formation of a good root system. There are various types of soils that can be used for bonsai culture. It would be helpful to purchase a book on caring for bonsai trees so you don't miss any important steps.Click here  The type of tree determines the type of soil or mixture needed, for example, azaleas need acid soil. Akadama (acid soil) is a soil imported from Japan and are available from bonsai suppliers. This bonsai soil is a general-purpose clay granule soil which is suitable for most  bonsai. This is just one of many soils that are available. Bonsai Soils

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One of a Kind Bonsai Trees